<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/194b0e20-bec6-4bc8-ba29-151d8e8f8564/Apple_logo_grey-ddorange.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/194b0e20-bec6-4bc8-ba29-151d8e8f8564/Apple_logo_grey-ddorange.svg" width="40px" /> Since we first delivered our iOS security course eight years ago, we’ve consistently put effort into polishing it to perfection – and of course keeping it up to date with the newest trends on the platform. Most recently, we’ve incorporated a wealth of practical exercises (re)written in Swift. The advanced level course covers the foundations of security on iOS, as well as each chapter of the Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (OWASP MASVS). Besides an exciting exploration of the real-life hacker experience through Black Hat / DEF CON talks and popular podcasts, we engage participants with stories, labs, quizzes, and two off-the-schedule facultative classes (on-demand). The training has been tested and used successfully with several developer companies with heavy and high profile apps.


<aside> ℹ️ Please note that this one is not a beginner’s course and developers/testers without hands-on iOS experience will not be able to follow the course and dive into the labs.


<aside> 🗓️ Booking is open for classes: MAY 7+14+21 EU/UK/SG time


<aside> 💳 Price category: €1600 (includes the exam). Book now, secure your seat, get your tax-free corporate invoice or individual payment links, pay later! [email protected]


<aside> 🗣️ Check out the details below and chat with us to clarify further details via Linkedin (’contact sales’ button), or the ‘hello defdev’ Slack channel, or dm in Twitter to @defdeveu


def.dev | LinkedIn


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Our premium workshops are designed to level up the security of apps by helping a development team master secure coding skills and embed sticky development practices that systematically reduce vulnerabilities.